Trevor Spikes: The Story & The Mission
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The tragic story of Trevor Laher and his father's mission to provide hiker safety and awareness.
On March 16, 2020, Trevor Laher took his first step on the PCT. As he set off from the southern terminus, the 22-year old experienced hiker embarked on a journey that he had dreamed of for a long time.
Eleven days later, Trevor crawled out of his tent at NOBO MM 166.6, packed up his belongings, and headed north with his group towards Apache Peak, now covered with 3″ of fresh snow from the night before.
Trevor had heard cautionary tales of the infamous Fuller Ridge further ahead and had shipped Kahtoola MICROspikes® and an ice axe to the Idyllwild post office just 14 miles ahead. However, fire closures had kept the section of trail near Apache Peak closed for several years prior, making research into the dangers less prominent.
Tired and looking forward to a warm bed to sleep in at the Idyllwild Inn, the group continued towards Apache Peak, unaware of the sheets of ice that hid below the thin layer of freshly fallen snow.
At NOBO MM 169.5, Trevor slipped on the snow-covered ice and in an instant, fell more than 600 ft. down a 45 degree slope. Sadly, by the time Search & Rescue found their way to Trevor, he had succumbed to his injuries.
Since the accident, Trek for Trevor has been educating hikers about the dangers of the PCT and the importance of proper safety planning and risk management skills. Now, they’re transitioning their focus from education to the physical act of putting traction devices directly into the hands of hikers.
Through a collaboration with the Fowler-O’Sullivan Foundation (FOF), a non-profit group dedicated to missing hiker search & recovery and preventative search & rescue (PSAR) efforts, we’re proud to introduce the Trevor Spikes Program to ensure PCT hikers have the gear they need to stay safe.
Independently funded by Trek for Trevor and the FOF, and through a partnership with Kahtoola, Nomad Ventures and Paradise Valley Café (PVC), the Trevor Spikes Program provides PCT hikers with a 20% discount on a purchase of Kahtoola MICROspikes® , K10 Crampons, Camp Corsa ice axes, and Black Diamond Raven Pro ice axes, and delivers them directly to hikers on the trail.
Following the purchase of your snow/Ice safety gear, Nomad Ventures will personally deliver your order to Paradise Valley Café where they will be awaiting your pick-up. With no shipping and handling, costs are kept to a minimum, and no need to carry your snow/ice safety gear through the flat, hot desert section of the PCT. The Trevor Spikes Program puts life-saving snow/ice gear in your pack at the exact moment you need them before climbing up to Apache Peak, and this service is provided at no additional cost to you.
This discount program is only applicable for NOBO PCT thru-hikers. To receive your 20% discount, follow these directions:
- Make your purchase through the Nomad Ventures website to receive 20% off.
- At check-out, provide an estimated arrival date to Paradise Valley Café. Shipping and handling will not be offered as part of the Trevor Spikes discount (*Failure to provide an ETA date will result in a refund and you will have to re-order).
- Nomad Ventures will deliver your gear to PVC. They will be labeled with your name and estimated arrival date.
- Upon arrival to PVC, notify the proprietor of your name and inform them you have a package awaiting pick-up.
- You’ll be better prepared to safely traverse Apache Peak – giving you peace of mind and safety – when you need it, where you need it.
Great collab with Pvc!
The win win for safety and awareness in honor of Trevor
So sorry to hear about Trevor's accident. I've questioned the safety of steep icy trails at times even with spikes with me. It's great that there is an effort to prevent this from happening to future eager PCT hikers!